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U.S. Military Service Member Memorial Brick Project

For the past several years, the Burroughs Neighborhood Organization (BNO) has been working on beautifying The Triangle, the triangular strip of City property at South Avenue and Airport Highway. Last year, 2019, the BNO applied for and was awarded a $13,000.00 grant to do just that. In addition, the Lucas County Land Bank, a couple years after investing their efforts in the Burroughs Neighborhood, has also pledged an additional $10,000.00 toward the completion of this goal. There are many, many people interested in tipping our neighborhood in the right direction, and we will not give up in that effort. The current project includes: a Burroughs Neighborhood stone sign, flagpoles and flags complete with lighting, landscape work, hedge work, stone work, Military Service Branch stone emblems, and most intricately, an area of Military Memorial Engraved Bricks – where you come in.

If you would like to honor a family member or friend who served in the United States Military, or make your own service known, we welcome you to reserve a brick at the memorial at no cost. The memorial site is located at the intersection of Airport Highway and South Avenue and is open to the public. This project was made possible with grant funds from the City of Toledo with matching donations from the Landbank where the Burroughs Neighborhood Organization was able to secure a neighborhood sign, flagpoles, materials to beautify the Triangle and create this memorial. 


There are around 900 bricks, the first 900 names received will be reserved to be engraved. Each brick is 4”x8” and can accommodate NAME and SERVICE BRANCH, and RANK or anything else (optional). 


If you have any questions please contact the Burroughs Neighborhood Organization Officers at or visit our Facebook Group Page at


To submit a name click here:



Brick engravings appear glowing white, and turn stone black with a bit of rain.


Bricks may be set in with concrete after enough have been engraved to remove uneven spacing.


The more names, the faster it goes!


© 2008-2024 Burroughs Neighborhood Organization

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